Weekly Digest: new advocacy center, Together We Read, leadership institute and the regular news and helpful resources

ARSL Advocacy Center Build your advocacy muscles with the new ARSL Advocacy Center! Built and maintained by the ARSL Advocacy Committee, our advocacy resources are tailor-made for addressing the needs and effectively communicating the impact of small, rural libraries....

Weekly Digest: snow day! grant, program tracker help, new and coming soon

$$$ opportunity closing Feb 28 Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities will offer more than $7 million in grants to small and rural libraries to increase the accessibility of facilities, services, and programs to better serve people...

Weekly Digest: Bins needed, events coming up, Bad Graph contest winners

Bins needed at Waltco! The Waltco terminal is running very low on empty bins. Libraries with an abundance of empties are encouraged to send them to Waltco for redistribution. Katelyn is looking into the bin inventory. Any questions to Katelyn (noack@ifls.lib.wi.us)...

Weekly Digest: Are you watching right now? And a flurry of other news and resources.

Are you going? It’s not too late! It’s the second day of the Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference. These are nationally recognized and local experts and you get to go for free! It’s not too late to register. If you miss a session, don’t worry. Recordings will be...

A Sample Blog For Leah

Here’s where the content goes. You can add media, links, etc.