We’re always happy to help! Submit a HelpDesk ticket if:
- You need a current hard copy of courier pocket tags.
- You have a question or a problem and need help.
- You need additional delivery supplies.
- To report a delay, missed stop, or other courier issue.
Delivery Contact Person

Katelyn Noack
Public Services Consultant
How the IFLS Courier System Works
- IFLS contracts with a courier (WALTCO, Inc.) to provide courier service to our area libraries.
- WALTCO does all the sorting of materials being routed to other IFLS area libraries.
- The WALTCO driver will drop off and pick up materials on your library’s scheduled delivery days.
- WALTCO picks up from and drops off at the IFLS office daily. All items labeled for IFLS or with the pink out-of-system routing labels which were picked up at the IFLS libraries will be sorted to the IFLS office. We unpack in the morning and send out-of-system materials with the 10 a.m. South Central pickup/delivery.
- The South Central Delivery Service has prepared a Wisconsin Delivery Network list that you can print out. If you do not find a library on the list, you will need to mail the material. For more information on sending Interlibrary Loan materials through courier, click HERE.
- IFLS is the pick-up/drop-off point for all materials going to/coming from outside the IFLS system via the South Central Delivery Service.
Biannual Delivery Study
Below are the instructions, worksheet, and example of a completed worksheet for the biannual delivery study.
The 2024 Fall study will be conducted October 28-November 1.