Chippewa Falls Public Library collaborated with RiverSource Family Center to host a fabulous Jump, Dance & Sing party at the Heyde Center.
70 children ages birth-five (plus older siblings) enjoyed singing with Anita Wahl, a local musician and teacher. Large group activities were followed by smaller stations: puppets and music, parachute activities, twirling ribbons, and Lummi sticks, egg shakers and scarves. The library borrowed IFLS’s Large Motor Kit #3 for this.

Here’s what Colleen, children’s librarian, had to say:

Thanks to that Idea Swap at the Eau Claire Public library earlier this year, we were able to incorporate some of the good ideas that were discussed that day. In particular kids, liked “I had a Chicken” song by Laurie Berkner with the shaker eggs from the IFLS kit. Even though it was a little long, it was a lot of fun
shaking the eggs fast & slow. By the time the 4th group got to us the kids
looked really tired. They only had 10 minutes at each station, but with all the
activities and running around, we bet that many of them probably fell asleep on
the way home. By the time it was over we had all decided that we had done our
exercise for the day. But we can’t wait to do it again.